"Unveil the Timeless Elegance of Indian Handicrafts at JW - Where Artistry Blooms!"

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How do I make a payment for a Jaipur Window purchase?
Domestic Payments (within India)
Jaipur Window offers multiple payment methods for customers in India, including:
- Credit/Debit Cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express)
- Net Banking
- E-Gift Vouchers
- Cash on Delivery (COD)
Our trusted payment gateway, Razorpay, uses advanced SSL encryption technology to securely protect your card information.
International Payments (outside India)
For international customers, we accept the following payment options:
- International Credit/Debit Cards
- PayPal
Razorpay's SSL encryption ensures the safety of your card details during the checkout process. If you face any issues with our payment gateway, please email us at jaipurwindow@gmail.com or contact our team.
Can I pay with my international card and get the order shipped to an Indian address?
Yes, absolutely! Simply enter your shipping and billing details accordingly on the checkout page and pay using your international card. Our team will handle the rest.
Do you have Cash on Delivery (COD)?
Yes, we offer Cash on Delivery (COD) service for orders delivered within India. This is supported by our trusted courier partner, Delhivery Express.
To place a COD order:
1. Add items to your cart and proceed to checkout.
2. Select "Cash on Delivery (COD)" as the payment option.
3. We will call you to confirm your order.
4. Once verified, your order will be processed for COD delivery.
5. Pay the delivery person in cash when you receive your parcel.
Is COD Chargeable?
COD is free for orders above ₹500. For orders below ₹500, there is an additional ₹50 shipping charge. Please note that COD orders may take an extra 1-2 days for delivery compared to prepaid orders, as they require additional confirmation.
If you would like to convert your COD order to a prepaid order, simply reply to the order confirmation email, and we will send you a payment link.
How can you save time and nature by placing a Prepaid order?
Placing a prepaid order with Credit/Debit Card or Net Banking can help speed up your delivery, as it skips the additional confirmation step required for COD orders. This also helps us reduce paper usage, which is required for COD order processing.
Are there any hidden charges on Jaipur Window?
No, there are absolutely no hidden charges on Jaipur Window. The prices listed for all products are final and all-inclusive, with free delivery across India.
How do I pay using a Credit/Debit card, and is it safe?
We accept all Visa, Mastercard, and American Express cards. You'll need to enter your 16-digit card number and the 3-digit CVV code (found on the back of the card) to complete the payment.
All your credit/debit card details remain confidential and private. Jaipur Window and our payment gateway, Razorpay, use advanced SSL encryption technology to protect your card information.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to email us at jaipurwindow@gmail.com or call us at +91-8005948153 or +91-9492932623. Our team will be happy to assist you.